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Old 08-16-2007, 01:29 PM
Jakartapimp Jakartapimp is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 23
Default How Does Helmuth not get punch in the mouth?

I watched his performance the other night and was flat out disgusted with his shtick. Sure he is a mouth and talks but the stuff that comes out makes no sense. How does he not put that gal on a queen when she pushes all in and then he calls off his stack with the 10 and rails about her calling his preflop raise with K-Q. It does not matter if she had K-Q, A-Q, J-Q, there were so many hands that beat Phil yet he still Donkeyed off his chips to her. Everything that came out of his mouth about being the greatest player blah blah blah was negated by his call. What a complete bafoon.

But my main point is it that no one has just beat the [censored] out of him before? He way he insults the players is beyond me...and then to shake their hand afterward which is such a disengenuous act...if I was one of those players I would tell him to take his hand and shove it up his arss. Why shake that tools hand? Shaking hands is a display of sportsmanship and Phil certainly displays none of that so you cant have it both ways.

But back to my main question: Why has not one just hauled off and sucker punched him with his remarks?
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