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Old 08-16-2007, 02:48 AM
Peleus Peleus is offline
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Default Re: Professional No-Limit Hold \'em Volume 1 Review Thread

Firstly, let me say thanks for bringing a great book into the market. Definitely will benefit from it, well done. I usually play around 100bb deep, micro stakes although I think the question holds true throughout the range. SPR question.

Unless it is a massively loose table, how realistic is it getting the SPR level's down to say sub 4-5 on hands where you want to try and get people pot committed. I understand you can lower the number (generally) by getting more callers to act as a multiplier for the bet, or raising more in the first place, but even if we get say one caller we're still having to do an unrealistic raise to achieve it.

Do that further imply its better to play short stacked against them or try and get a higher SPR (away from 13). Seems a strange play with AA for instance?

Forgive me if I sound like an idiot and the question has been answered, or if I'm considering the concept in the wrong way. Feel free to correct me.
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