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Old 08-15-2007, 10:53 PM
bunny bunny is offline
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Default Re: Harris Vs Sullivan - Atheism vs Catholocism

That's right, but not nobody says that the belief in God is rationnal. Faith and reason have nothing to do with each other.

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There are at least two different brands of theists on this board who do thing the belief in God is rational. I'm of the school of thought that rationality is important and consistent with theism. If my faith leads me to a contradiction, there is something wrong with what I believe on Faith. I would abandon a belief in God if it was logically inconsistent. I think faith and reason have something to do with each other because they are both making claims as to "what is true" if they conflict, you need to pick which has priority.

A stronger claim is that theism is the only rational worldview. I know NotReady believes this, I suspect Peter666 and plenty of others do too. It is true that some people say the two are unrelated and that inconsistent, faith held beliefs are not a problem. But there arent many posters here who say "That may be true scientifically, but it's not true from a religious point of view." or other such nonsense.

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I guessed I'm to much into Pascal to think that people would think differently on that subject, some of his thinking on the subject seems evident (after you've read it f course)
When I say that religion is not rationnal, it does not mean that it is irrational either. It is just outside the realm of reason.
My post obviously refers to the general ideas of religion, the concept of God and not to peculiar beliefs that have obviously been shown wrong by science.
I don't think that yuor belief in God is rationnal. It is not based on reason, it is more that is has not been falsfied by reason or science. And I seriously doubt that it can be.
As for the second category of theists, I don't think that they rationnaly deduced he existence of God. It is more that they can integrate god into a rationnal vision of the world, a complete vision where everything makes sense.
In this point of view, it is easily undestandable that religion can be seen as the only rational worldview as it pleases the mind; Atheism on the other cannot offer a complete system since so much is unknown.
It does not mean that your faith stems from your reason.
I don't know if I'm very clear, but I'll recommend to anyone the lecture of Pascal.

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I guess I misunderstood. When you said "nobody say that the belief in God is rational" I thought you meant consistent with rational thinking (which I think it is).

If you meant derived logically from premises to a conclusion, then I dont think it's rational in that sense (except in the weakest of ways).
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