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Old 08-15-2007, 05:06 PM
kidcolin kidcolin is offline
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Default Re: Help me coach a JV soccer team

I want to try and do a lot of miniature game situations: lots of 6v6, 5v5, 3v3 kept inside the 18, etc.

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This is a really good start for someone who doesn't know what he's doing. I've had some coaches who were exceptional soccer players who didn't do enough of this stuff.

Monkey in the middle is also good.

A skill drill I always liked and I'm sure everyone has done before: pair up in groups of two, each pair with a ball. The pair faces each other, about 5-6 feet apart. As a pair, you jog slowly back and forth between the sidelines doing different things with the ball on each trip. i.e., on the first trip, the guy jogging forward (A) passes to the guy jogging backwards (B), B just traps ball and leaves it for the approaching A. Alternate feet each time. Then do it with B passing back to A. Then do the same with volleys (A tosses the ball around knee height to B). Then do the same with headers (A tosses the ball over Bs head). Then trapping with the upper leg, then trapping with the chest, etc. It helps players develop a feel for the ball as well as working on close control.

My favorite conditioning drill: my coach called them East Germans. Jog the endline, all out sprint to the opposite corner flag. Repeat 5-10 times. West Germans were just within the half.
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