Thread: Poker Hook-Ups
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Old 08-15-2007, 04:04 PM
captZEEbo captZEEbo is offline
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Default Re: Poker Hook-Ups

at college in tampa, There was a regular game full of a lot of geeky dudes in a different dorm. I noticed after attending this game a few times there was this chick named Amanda who was playing, i give her a 6.5 on a 1/10. Now there were a lot of guys at the game, and one of them had hooked up with amanda before, but he only played one or two times out of every 4 or 5 nights we played. So it was basically me, a bunch of clowns, and her each game. Now the other kids would try to call her sweetie or use all kinds of other lame methods of hitting on her. I was like wow I am the only dude in this place who is not a clown, so what I did is I got in a hand with her, and I made a ballsy bluff and then tried to stare her down. She bet out and I came over the top immediatly and went all in, and looked at her the whole time. She played with her chips and then looked back at me and folded and i showed my bluff. This seemed to intrigue her especially since the next time i played against her i actually had a hand and i did the exact same thing and she called and lost. So i left when she left, and I caught up to her in the hallway and i said, tell you what.. we both draw cards if i get high card you gotta give me a drink, if you get high card ill give you your 5 bucks back. long story short, I think I should have used a condom. But i didnt. And i didnt get a disease. So success.

p.s. I am never playing high card again. she flipped the 3c and i was like oh yes, and then i flip mine and i have the 2s. go figure. I got the drink anyways though, luckily

[/ QUOTE ]lol this sounds so made it supposed to be?
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