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Old 08-15-2007, 12:51 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Default Re: Some Stuff About PUA (very long)

Ana - you no I have no agenda wrt you. You seem like a nice guy. But you're really, really solipsistic in this thread.

I don't know much about PUA, and if anything based on random stuff I've read and watching an episode of that VH1 show, just seems like a bunch of guys who are bad with women learning how to be more confident. If anything I feel some sympathy for these guys, and if learning all these acronyms and techniques helps them to relax enough to successfully chat up a girl, that's fine.

The one thing they're doing though, which you don't seem to be at all, is considering what women want. It's very simple. This doesn't force a baseline character change to conform to a woman's desires, it's an awareness issue on a guy's part.

I think the bottom line here is that this whole thing is about you - I find this type of self-absorption to be vulgar and intellectually dishonest. If you can't see this you probably have some growing up to do.

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