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Old 08-15-2007, 11:42 AM
CountingMyOuts CountingMyOuts is offline
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Default Re: Great Neteller Poker Story At USA Today

I also threw in my two cents:

"The author needs to do his homework, internet gambling is not illegal from the bettor's standpoint. There is no case law that currently stands to make it illegal. The Wire Act was not written with the intention of covering internet gaming and is completely out of date. It's simply posturing and scare tactics by the DOJ and FBI to claim the Wire Act makes internet gaming illegal.

Also anyone who does not see that the UIGEA was a GOP issue is delusional. This was clearly a case of pandering to the "religious right", a key component of the the GOP's base. Because of this, the U.S. will eventually be hurt in all of our various trade agreements (WTO, etc.). Do we expect the WTO to help us against copyright infringements by China now that we are direct violation of our WTO agreements?"
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