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Old 08-15-2007, 11:42 AM
Alamo Alamo is offline
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Default Re: Some Stuff About PUA (very long)



You seem like a thinker. I feel like you could have chosen a better philosophical system to energize your despondent mind than PUA, of all things. Maybe thinking that makes me an [censored]!

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Meh, I am not so much into namecalling anyway. But see, there is something a bit flawed about your statement, see if you can appreciate the following;

You state I might have chosen better philosophical system to energize your despondent mind than PUA, of all things.

A few things, first of all this implies you are fully aware of what the whole PUA thing actually is about, while you are obviously not. This is not hating on you, I truly believe you have some serious misconceptions about the whole PUA thing, but I also have to give credit to the people that have told you you selectively ignore some counter-arguments.

To end your phrase with "of all things" is a dead give-away about your feelings towards the whole PUA movement. But I remain my stance that when one's information has serious ommissions (sp) and is flawed as a whole, the conclusion based upon these thoughts will automatically be flawed as well.

I have asked you various times already to reply to a previous post I made in this thread, a couple of pages back, about remaining true to your own convictions while applying some general PUA-traits to your life, yet you keep ignoring it. Shame really.

It saddens me to see that somebody that actually is able to convert his thoughts to some very interesting phrases on paper, which points towards having an actual brain and using it, will not be intellectually challenged to review his own convictions and see if they might be flawed.
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