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Old 08-15-2007, 11:27 AM
Alamo Alamo is offline
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Default Re: Some Stuff About PUA (very long)


how do you pick up chicks when you whine like one?

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If you think my previous post is whining, go ahead. It seems like throwing mud is your thing, and an effort from me to actually exchange convictions and ideas falls on def ears. So be it.

And to answer your question, you might be surprised, as I surprised myself. Nowadays I am a married man, so picking up chicks is really not an issue in my life, as I love my wife, and currently really have no need for other women in my life. So it is all theory I am talking about, even though I use some of the things I have learned over the years to keep my marriage a happy one.


I just meant, you, bk, and naj are retarded because you keep making blanket people are doing to you.

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People like you obviously, like below. Which makes you a retard by your own standards. But tell me, which blanket assumptions did I make? Please help me out on that one, because I am lost.


That is all. I dont hate on PUA (unless its thebruiser500), I think most would agree. im pretty sure I post in every single thread about chicks (becuae it is one fo the few topics I know front and back), and Im pretty sure that me and bk have never had an argument between us, I think he is cool. You sound like a lady on the other hand.

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And how exactly is that? Because I am somewhat able to convert my ideas into polite english?
If you don't feel comfortable, I could throw in some insults if you insist, you seem to be more comfortable with that style of communicating.
Or maybe it is because my english is not good enough to express my ideas and convictions, who knows.

But at the end of the day, you are just some guy having an opinion about me based on a few posts I made, and that is more than ok with me.


Yes, I think it is lame to pay for lessons, but I also think its lame to pay for poker lessons. When. there. are. tons. of. free. resources.

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And again you assume I paid for anything (this is what I referred to above, this makes you a retard by your own standards, right?), while I already have stated that I did not, the mASF forum was all I needed back in the days.
And even if I would have paid for anything, I would not really worry about your opinion anyway, since you are just some guy that goes out of his way to make negative comments, without ever offering a sound explanation why. And when you do offer an explanation at all, well, meh, you have failed to impress me until now.

You seem to have very low tolerance for people that try to better themselves in one way or another. And extrapolating the few arguments you use makes any student of any concept, language or whatnot lame by your standards.

I speak 6 languages, and I have taken lessons on 3 of them, which would make me the uber-retard in your eyes. After all, there are tons of free resources to be found to learn these languages.

May I be a retarded man for a long time to come.
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