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Old 08-15-2007, 11:21 AM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: August Low-Content Thread

I start out in the 40-80 at Commerce with Sucker on my left. We both get must-moved to the 60-120, he's on my left again. The day before, with him on my left, I have pocket tens three times and hit a ten on the turn all three times. Today, I play 8-7 in the big blind when there's a raise and 23 callers and the flop comes 9-6-4 and guess what I catch on the turn?

A close friend comes in and he plays 20-40 so I move with him to the 20-40 to schmooze. One guy in the game keeps raising his big blind and he keeps folding. After he folds to the guy's preflop raise for the 83rd time, the guy complains, "I keep raising your blind and you keep folding." Tough break, huh?

Meanwhile my friend is beating up on a guy who is beating up on me. My friend and I start to talk about leaving and the guy says to my friend, "Please leave, you're killing me." He then turns to me, "But you, please stay. PLEASE."

The table, including me, has a good laugh. Next hand almost everyone plays and by the turn it's down to me and this guy, me having A-Q on an A-Q-x-y board. River is z and I bet and now the guy pauses and raises. WTF? I suppose he could have hit a set of z's on the river, so I just call. He grimaces and instamucks.

That'll learn him.