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Old 08-15-2007, 08:22 AM
Howard Beale Howard Beale is offline
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Default Re: August Low-Content Thread

CAZ 60 game which I usually don't play. It's 2:30 am and the game is great. In this hand 'everybody' limps and I've got J-3o in the BB and get to see the flop of J-4-4. I have absolutely no interest whatsover in this pot but it gets checked around so I start to think that maaayyybe I've got some shot but the turn brings a King and I figure that that is that for sure but it gets checked around again! River a 7 and it gets checked to the CO (one of the worst players in the room but plenty rich enough to be that way apparently) who bets. Folded to me and I say 'OK, I'll fall for it' and I call. Folded to some guy who says 'Thanks for calling. Now I don't have to.' CO shows a 7 and MHIG. Then CO exclaims 'You had a Jack and didn't bet? How could you not bet?'

Anybody have a good answer for that? I came up with something really lame: 'I was too scared.'