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Old 08-14-2007, 06:21 PM
Rush17 Rush17 is offline
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Default Re: a tipping question regarding eight or better

How do you tip, in contrast to a non-split pot game?

Situations as follows:

You win the whole pot.

You win half the pot.

You win half the pot and the only split money was the blinds.

You get quartered.

You get quartered but still profit.

Opinions appreciated.


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This is how I usually tip {and this is providing that the dealer is compitent, and runs the game smoothly. Poor dealers get nothing just as the exceptional dealers will get extra}.

I win the whole pot: $2

I win half the pot: Well, if the majority of the hand was HU play, then I don't tip anything. If I won half and I profited from it, I'll usually tip $1, $2 for a really big pot.

If I win half the pot and the only money that was split was the blinds, then I don't tip anything. However, if I raise and steal the blinds, I'll sometimes tip $1.

If I get quartered, I don't tip.

If I get quartered but I profited from the hand, well, it depends how much I made, but usually I won't tip in this spot unless my cut was decent enough then I'll tip $1.

Also, if I happen to take 3/4's of the pot, what I'll usually do is give the dealer $2 (a dollar from me and a dollar from the player who got quartered). This way, the player doesn't feel the pressure of having to give the dealer anything (of course if he/she want to, then that's fine). The thing is, a lot of dealers don't realize that, sometimes, even when you're getting some of the pot pushed your way, that you may have actually lost money, yet, they still expect the tip. So that's why I give the $2----I don't know how right that is (coming from a professionals take on it) but I kinda feel that it all balances out.

With that said, though,I don't think I really have any hard/fast rules for how I tip ALL the time. Maybe I should...? I know, back in the day, I was definitely an overtipper. Now, I think I'm more in the average department on tipping. I've learned to take my emotions out of the game and because of that, I have to say that I'm tipping less.
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