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Old 08-14-2007, 05:39 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: Stars response on a chronic staller, with no reason to stall.

My thoughts on this thread:

1. Nothing wrong with OP making this thread. He is wound a little tightly, and his insult-spewing hurts his cause, but that doesn't mean he's wrong.

2. Absolutely nothing wrong with naming the offender. WTF with people saying "yeah stallers should DIAGF, but don't post his screen name."

3. LOLOLOL at all the mindless automatons saying "those are the rules, suck it" as if the rules on a freaking poker website are written in stone like the Ten Commandments. WTF at saying "Agree this rule sucks ass, but it's a rule, so whaddaya going to do?" WTF you do EXACTLY what OP is doing, make some noise and lobby for a rule change!

4. All the red herrings are dumb. "He coulda been called away on a personal emergency." "He coulda been feeding a baby." "He coulda had connection problems." "He coulda been a quadriplegic." When a player times out on EVERY SINGLE HAND, it's obvious that he's none of those things, and no one's arguing that we should time out people who have all those other imagined issues. OP is only talking about a player who is obviously deliberately stalling on every hand.

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edit: lmao. you sir need to rethink your statement. Yes my brother nearly times out on every single hand.

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The staller has posted in this thread, and he did not mention being a quadriplegic. What are the odds that he is?

I mean no disrespect to your brother and obv. I would feel like a huge douche if I complained about stalling and the staller was actually trying his best to play fast, but that's clearly not the case here, and the likelihood of that being the case is infinitesimal.
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