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Old 08-14-2007, 12:50 PM
katyseagull katyseagull is offline
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Default Re: Workplace Gripes – Vent Here! ! (or just share workplace stories)

Can we talk for a minute about personal phone calls? If I ran a company I think I would tell my employees to keep their voices down or go use the phone in the conference room. It's getting really ridiculous. How do all these people have so much drama in their lives?

There are several women in my office who talk LIKE REALLY LOUD AND YOU CAN HEAR EVERYTHING THEY ARE SAYING AND WE ALL KNOW ABOUT THEIR PERSONAL PROBLEMS. I don't need to hear what Mike did to Maria again, or what my coworker thought about her sister-in-law over the weekend. And she repeats the same damn story throughout the day to multiple people who call her.

There are a couple men here too who raise their voices quite a bit as soon as they take a phone call. Why do people think they have to shout into a phone?
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