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Old 08-14-2007, 11:57 AM
JackAll JackAll is offline
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Default Re: Poker & Your Girlfriend

If she flops the nut straight and folds it to a bet because it just didn't feel right...DO NOT yell at her.

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Your Girlfriend Thinks Gambling Is Evil and Destructive


Believe it or not, this is the case for a LOT of the guys I play with regularly. And it's mostly an Asian problem. A lot of Asians, regardless of gender, come from families with very strong beliefs on gambling.

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Man, you have NO IDEA what gambling is like in asian countries. Asians are INSANE GAMBLERS. Stories of people gambling away their house - even their wife! - are definitely not unheeard of. Also, they seem to enjoy 50/50 gambling because if they win they feel that someone from a higher realm is looking out for them and they feel special.

Smart asians from this kind of culture teach their kids to just stay away, just like western people teach their kids to just not use heroin (you getting the gravity of gambling in asian countries yet?).

I'm not even sure it is possible to fully explain it without them being super interested and have a mathematical mind to learn that poker has a large element of skill also. They won't just 'get it' if you say this to them. Only really if they learn the game - which is pretty rare.
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