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Old 08-14-2007, 03:01 AM
Ron Burgundy Ron Burgundy is offline
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Default Re: What political opinion did/do youre parents have?

My parents are both very leftist. My dad has voted for Nader in the last few elections. They use different voting strategies though. My dad votes purely on principles, my mom votes for whoever gets the dem nomination. I remember my mom being pissed off at my dad for voting for Nader instead of Gore. My dad said he refused to vote for Gore because Gore supported privatized prisons.

I remember a few times my dad saying things implying he felt that private property is wrong and shouldn't exist. He loves making fun of yuppies who complain about high property taxes.

My dad goes to every anti-war march in the Chicago area. He also volunteers at several leftist human rights and fair trade type organizations.

My brother worships Karl Marx.

All three of them believe the mainstream media is heavily slanted towards conservatives.

If they knew I was planning on voting for Ron Paul, they might have a heart attack. Libertarians are all kooks!

I don't really want to put a label on myself. Partly because I haven't done that much research into some issues, and partly because I hate labels.

Edit: Also, my grandmother on my mom's side, about 2 days after 9/11 said "Bush probably planned the whole thing." She didn't even have internet access and couldn't possibly have heard any conspiracy theories from anyone else.
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