Thread: Donkey Test
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Old 08-13-2007, 09:30 PM
Davdob Davdob is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Default Re: Question 33

I actually agree with Kip here. I have no idea what "reasonable" actually means in this context. Does it mean passive? Does it mean reasonably aggressive? Does it take into account our table image?

This is a really tough situation, that requires alot of backup information. I think the test writer probably wants you to fold, but I just think its such a close call that its awfully hard to know for sure what is right without a VERY good read.

I will say that if you could put a guy in this situation to essentially having only an overset or a straight, you would have plenty better opportunities to get his money in any event.

Lets see the next question!
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