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Old 08-13-2007, 04:56 PM
guids guids is offline
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Default Re: Muhammadanism WEBSITE...

OP why do you assume that the guy who made this site is the central authority on all things muslim?

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Do you deny what he says ?

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I would, and that is based on the title of the website. There is no such thing as mohammadanism because any MUSLIM would know that this would be naming the religion after a "prophet" which is different from Christianity which is based on Christ.

The other statements are mostly nonsense and are approaching things from a very narrow point of view. Even the wiki paints a more accurate picture than that website. You may as well go to alquaida's website to get an interpretation depending on the results you are looking for.

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Just because it isnt named mohamadism means nothing, mohamad is the central character, and speaks for god in the koran, essentialy he is a christ-like figure. You say that wiki paints a more accurate picture...well, how do you know if you have never read the koran or at least books on it?

edit: I thought you said you have never read it, but got you confused w/ someoen else, so if Im wrong pls say so.

Have you read the koran? I have, and books to clarify it, basically "cliff notes" and in depth explorations (it was for a term paper). A lot of the koran is a handbook for war and fear mongering. A lot like the old testament was though, its just that christian extremists in the year 2007 are much much more benign than muslim extremists. Most muslims imo, are at a crossroads, do I believe that they really want to see people of other faiths slaughtered? no. do I think they have an irrational fear that if they dont support or do what the koran says they wont go to "heaven"? yes.
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