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Old 08-13-2007, 11:57 AM
PantsOnFire PantsOnFire is offline
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Default Re: dealt 3 cards now what?

While playing in a different room than usual, one player had three cards. Floor came over, picked one, turned it up, that was the burn.

So I'm tellin' ya, at least in some regions, neither dead hand nor misdeal is norm. I really don't understand the rationale for a misdeal. Can someone explain why everybody should be punished for a simple easily rectifiable mistake that has minimal impact on the hand?

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I agree that in general, unexposed cards are simply random cards. The same would apply to errors dealing the board cards.

However, there is a general feeling that keeping the order of the original stub as much as possible is the best way to go. Given the randomness of the unexposed cards, this is an irrational thought however.

So nobody will be able to answer your question in a logical fashion. The only thing we can do is try to develop universal rules so when we play in different games in different rooms, we can expect each situation to be handled in an expected, common manner.

In the end, I think there is a general feeling among poker players that might border on superstitious but nonetheless lots of players don't like seeing the cards get out of order. It is completely rational to simply grab an extra card and call it the burn card. But like I said, that might not sit well with all players who like "original order" preserved in all circumstances.

We need to pick a way to proceed in these circumstances one way or the other and just live with it rather that making random decisions in different rooms.

Personally, I could live with either way of doing but I feel is should be standard.
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