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Old 08-13-2007, 11:54 AM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default I Really Disliked The Bourne Ultimatum

The movie got very good reviews almost everywhere and the audience at the theater I was in yesterday loved it--big applause at the end.

But I thought it was awful. I thought United 93 was the best film of last year, so it's not the director and his herky-jerky action style. There was simply no story, it struck me as a two-hour-plus chase. Damon never spoke more than ten words at a time, so I can't say whether his acting was good or not.

I always enjoy Joan Allen and David Strathairn and they were good here. The mad scientist struck me as silly (nice as it was to see Albert Finney), something we've seen in B movies forever and why the bigwigs in the CIA would work in an office tower and keep the curtains open, when Bourne himself already told Joan Allen he could see her in the last scene of the second Bourne movie, is beyond me. Much less how they could all leave the building and not leave somebody to keep Bourne from getting into Strathairn's office.

Not to mention that Damon could drive his car, backwards, off a building and walk away. And talk an assassin out of shooting him by asking him "do you know why you're killing me?".

Anybody else dislike it as much as I did?
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