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Old 08-12-2007, 09:42 PM
Thremp Thremp is offline
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Default Re: Bulking: Clean Diet?


Most people never get that low BF wise and carry it long term.

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why? I consider anything above 10 or 11% to be too fat for anyone with goals of "looking good naked", and whats the point of trying to put on muscle (other than the obv sports etc), if you are too fat to see it?

Im genuinely curious now as to what you guys keep your body fat percentage at year round, imo, if your goal is to look good with a shirt off, anything over 12% is "too fat"

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I'm keeping mine in the low teens by guesstimation. I'm almost positive only a handful of people without significant chemical assistance can manage 5-7% year round 8-12% is more realistic for the vast majority of people to maintain on an ongoing basis. 5% is totally shredded considering pros get down to what... 3.5%?
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