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Old 08-12-2007, 01:30 PM
rpr rpr is offline
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Default Re: The Federal Reserve: Love it or Hate it

I think the Federal Reserve has done a lot of good things, as far as allowing us to live beyond our means (if you consider that good). But I don't think it's a sustainable system and certainly couldn't be used on a global scale (meaning not everyone in China or India could have our standard of living and amount of debt).

The problem with the FED is no one really debates it. It definitely was created under questionable circumstances. Many intelligent people throughout history have warned against such a system. But either people don't know the facts about it or get all conspiratorial regarding it. There's little legitimate academic debate on it.

Fractional reserve banking seems to be congruent to oil and fragmented based energy. If you want to keep the masses in an economic slavery, it seems like the system to use. But if fusion-based energy were a reality, I think fractional reserve banking wouldn't be needed.

I'd love to see some real economists or finance people debate the economic model presented in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, using a model of electricity for economics. If that's a real possibility, then I think the FED is to be hated.
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