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Old 08-12-2007, 01:09 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: Favorite Uncomfortable Sports Broadcasting Moments

Marino screws up, freaks out

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Nice. I had never seen that before and I was actually quite uncomfortable watching it.

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Why did he freak out? Because he sort of bumbled a word? I kinda don't get why he snapped...

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I have no clue. The best part is when he hits the table the second time.

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Not sure, but I'm guessing he wasn't supposed to let out that whats-his-face was golfing that week. Maybe he was rehabbing or something? He didn't mess anything up grammatically or whatever. I think he just blew someone's cover, that's all.

I'll nominate when Michael Irvin implied that Tony Romo's ancestor f*cked a black slave, and that explains why he can scramble. It's very sad that he still has his job at ESPN. Especially considering Rush was fired for saying something legitimate, and in no way racist.

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oh come on. that's hilarious.

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I would prefer that no one got fired for the occasional offensive remark, because it sets a bad precedent. I don't think that Irvin should have been fired, but if Rush had to resign, then Irvin does too.
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