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Old 08-12-2007, 10:56 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
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Default Re: Person to person transfers.

YELLOWSUB: u find out anything for us re: how Absolute justified giving away all your personal info (not to mention reversing the transfer unilaterally?).

By the way, for anyone who's keeping track, we now have 3 sites that have unilaterally reversed interaccount transfers (that is: they've reversed them AFTER they had allowed them to go through and the money had been in the recipient's account, and without getting the recipient's approval):
1. Absolute
2. Ultimate Bet
3. FTP
4. Stars

**the conditions when it happened on FTP and Stars were a little murkier than for ABS and UB, but the point is that if there was ever a safety net whereby people thought "oh, well as long as they send first, I should be in the clear once the money hits my account", that's more or less vanished into the ether. Yet another reason you should only be swapping with people you trust. (even when vig's included, I'm only swapping with well-established posters now)
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