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Old 08-12-2007, 06:08 AM
Dangeresque Dangeresque is offline
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Default Re: \"Jesus\" advises Yang to stiff dealers?

As a dealer, I agree with David. Dealers should not expect large tips from advantage players, because just like the dealer, they are working also. Jerry Yang... well, I don't know if he considers himself an advantage player. If he does, then he's toked well, if he's a recreational player, who considers tipping as coming out of results, well, he's toked well too, I think once you get to six figures, nobody who realizes they've tipped that much will want to tip more. I won't argue that point. However, when you or I are at the craps table (like I was tonight. Note to self: Plug leak.) or making any bet you know to be -ev, you should toke a small portion of your winnings. There you are betting for entertainment and toking does not affect your chances of beating the game long-term.

Also, form a union. They can't fire you for organizing, only for organizing on Harrah's property. Call in the UFCW, and they'll unionize you, just like they did Palace Casino in Edmonton. If you don't organize, you've little right to complain.

and just to remind those of you channeling Steve Buscemi out there: If nobody tips, dealers won't deal, or will have to be paid $12-20/hr. It's that simple. And just guess where the casinos will take that money from. An end to poker rates, higher rakes, no/less comps. Honestly, the system of tipping is designed to build in yet another advantage for advantage players. Why do so many of us players look at the dealer as your enemy? Also, if anyone tells you to tip, you can reply that you tip at the end of every session in which you're not reminded to tip, based on results. I HATE feeling pressured to toke and I deal cards.

So: To reiterate: Skill is inversely proportional to tipping. Main event dealer is upset because Yang played poorly and tipped like Jesus. This is to be expected because the main event winner is the biggest toke they will see all year, therefore, massive high-variance beat.

Does this make sense to everyone?