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Old 08-11-2007, 06:38 PM
gamblore99 gamblore99 is offline
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Default question about weight transfer

I went for a golf lesson today, first in about two years. The main thing the instructor wanted me to change was my weight transfer.

I was taught from the last instructor that I should start my swing with most of my weight on the inside of my right foot (I am right handed), then transfer it to the outside of the right foot on the back swing, then as I swing down it all goes to the front.

New guy says weight should be 60% right leg, 40% left leg. In his model my feet dont really tranfser weight but my arms do, and this is counterbalanced by my ass turning the opposite way, so my legs keep the same amount of weight on each foot throughout the swing.

Are these both right? One more so than the other?

On another note, it is really annoying that everytime I go back for a lesson I have to get a different instructor who entirely contradicts the last guy and sets my swing back rather than helping.
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