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Old 08-11-2007, 02:07 AM
XxGeneralxX XxGeneralxX is offline
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Default Re: Jennicide to appear in Playboy?

I am a little surprised Playboy would go in this direction.

Generally, when PB signs a celeb, it's someone people actually know about. Outside of the poker community, who's gonna care? She's not a 'name' player in the sense that she's never won anything, and to my knowledge never even been on TV. By that logic, Annie Duke or Jen Harmon would be much better choices (save the sarcasm, jackals).

Chances are PB isn't paying a helluva lot of money for this deal. 50kish would be my guess... just a shot in the dark though. I think the usual celeb deal is around 100k right?

Or, maybe the response to the FHM spread created enough of a buzz that PB wanted in on the action?

Chances are Jennicide is likely trying to spring some sort of modeling career, and is using this to jumpstart some attention.

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everyone is assuming she is gonna have a huge 3-page spread.... i bet its like 1 pic on the corner of the page.

PB does this section where they do 1 pic of some random semi-hot chick who has a semi-normal job like a secretary, or a taxi driver or whatever. this is prolly what she's doin
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