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Old 08-10-2007, 09:41 PM
Uglyowl Uglyowl is offline
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Default Official 2008 Election Coverage (related to online poker in some way)

I have come across a few articles that relate somewhat to online gambling or candidates who are heavily against or for. I always have a hard time finding a thread it goes into.

Anyhow, this economist article states the Republicans have three big negative views that many within the party are "fighting over".

1. Government has gotten too big. "that government is the problem rather than the solution"

2. Social conservatism
Libertarians argue that the Republican Party is too much in the pocket of ageing social conservatives such as James Dobson of Focus on the Family, activists who do not represent the views of common-or-garden Evangelicals let alone middle-of-the-road Americans. Social conservatives retort that they are the people who deliver the votes: if the Republican Party relies only on business conservatives and libertarians, it will be reduced to a rump.

[/ QUOTE ]

3. Foreign policy, mainly Iraq War.

This will be an interesting election. I have liked the Republican Party of years past, but a good old stomping in 2008 I hope is enough to have the Republicans start to distance themselves from Focus on the Family type groups.
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