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Old 08-10-2007, 06:35 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default How much table talk is too much?

Last night some players were getting a bit out of hand, despite urgings by me to tone it back. I don't want to remove the players, as they're good for the game. Also, nobody else seemed to mind. I'm also of the opinion that anybody talking is giving me information, and I like information. Even if it's about my hand, I now know how the talker is interpreting me and can instantly adapt as necessary.

It seemed once I got it to stop a bit that action slowed down for a while. The talking was creating friendly rivalries, encouraging people to try to be trickier, etc. A downside is that it was potentially educating players, but I want to improve and shouldn't be afraid of people I consider not as good as me also improving, as long as I remain a step ahead.

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