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Old 08-10-2007, 04:46 PM
Arnold_O Arnold_O is offline
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Default Re: Almost in a bar fight/Racism......Follow up.


Graduation was now a few weeks away, for those who made it. After school one day, Andrew was walking through the parking lot of Wendy's and the corner of 140th street and Lorraine Avenue, one of the busiest intersections on the city. Three cards pulled up and 20 black people stepped out and beat Andrew near to death. He managed to stand up after the lynching, but he collapsed to the ground. He lost an eye, had to have reconstruction surgery on his face, lost a lot of his hair and suffered many broken bones. I heard he wanted me to visit him in the hospital. I never could do it. I left the clique shortly after that, and I never heard of him, or my old friends again.

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and this is exactly why i will never send my kids to a school that is more than roughly 3% black.

i do not want any of my kids beaten nearly to death.

i have been witness to so much violence between blacks and whites, and in every single case it has been the blacks beating on the whites.

there was one case a while back, i had a boss that called a black man a [censored] at a bar because he was hitting on a white girl and the white girl kept rejecting him. the black guy may have only made a couple of attempts, but it made me sick hearing this guy i worked for say this. the black guy had to walk away because he was outnumbered. it was really disgusting. the boss was from louisanna and we were in the midwest at the time.
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