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Old 08-10-2007, 12:54 PM
Sparki Sparki is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 36
Default Re: Poker & Your Girlfriend

There are tons of girls out there that will be supportive. You really do just need to find one that is okay with it. Also keep in mind that sometimes it's nice to have something that your gf doesn’t have or do. You should both enjoy the things you do together. Most importantly as stated above if your gf does start playing keep your comments to yourself!!!!!

I think that it is way harder for girls who play (more than just for fun) to find accepting bf's. My Ex used to get mad because I would go to the casino and sit at a table with a ton of men who would hit on me all night long. He thought that I was going to get beat up or mugged on my way out and just hated me playing. Then if you find a guy who plays they don’t like it when you play better then them or at a higher limit or whatever.
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