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Old 08-10-2007, 12:10 AM
thac thac is offline
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Default Re: Poker & Your Girlfriend

I figure I can share my story.

I've been dating my girlfriend (now fiancee) for 13 months (and 6 months prior) now, and she has known about me playing poker since I've started in late 2005. She knows I make money and she likes having the extra spending cash.

She didnt mind when times were tough (lol nl25) and she supported me the whole way. I was living with my parents at the time, and in May, we decided that we were gonna move to a new town (my girlfriend and I).

I had a job at a distribution center, getting up at 5am for $9.50/hr sucked so bad and I was depressed all the time. I found a new job working at a pizza place (with tips it ended up being around $11.50/hr) part-time while I played poker, girlfriend fully supported that because I make more when I play than when I work. Well, about a month into that job my bosses were pretty retarded and made [censored] business decisions and switched my schedule around, so I told my girlfriend about it and she pretty much flat out told me that I could play poker for a living while going to school because she knows I'm good enough.

We're engaged now and plan to be married in a couple years (she wants to be 21 first), and I've never been happier because I set my own hours, and she doesn't have to spend every weekend night alone until 2 am when I used to get home from work.

It's all about finding the right girl.
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