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Old 08-09-2007, 06:00 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Ask Noah About First Year of Law School, Getting inTop 10%, Law Re

Noah, congrats on the grades, but you are seriously deluding yourself if you think you are going to find a "quality of life biglaw firm."

The big firms compete with each other for candidates by telling them outright lies about the workload. The chairman of the recruiting committee at the law firm where I worked right out of law school looked me directly in the eye and lied right to my face about the billable hour requirements. I asked around and this is totally standard.

Beware, young one, beware. If you like the prestige and moneys, go for it, but seriously, knock out your student loans and then GTFO while you still have a soul.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't mean QOL the way that big firms do, just that I probably won't be going to one that takes pride in being a sweatshop (not that most would have me...Wachtell, Cravath, etc.)

I don't have as much debt as most, but I am definitely only looking for somewhere I can spend 2-4 years. If it works out, then great, but if not, I have no problem hitting the door for some better hours elsewhere.

I have a few friends who are honest to me about their hours at biglaw, so i know what i have coming.
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