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Old 08-09-2007, 10:59 AM
hyde hyde is offline
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Default CONVICTION: part deux, nature vs. nurture

So we know all beings are born with different wiring. Some wiring is directly related to intellect, some is directly related to physiological traits.
So how much can an environment affect one's basic wiring? For a benign example I have raised three teenagers, same environment, yet one of the three has chosen a "more difficult path" in life. He has been a struggle since trying to get him into his snowsuit at age 1. Two of my kids are frugal, he can't spend his money fast enough. This is proof to me that everyone is just wired differently.
And we know nurture can have an effect on behavior as well. We have recently seen on TV a young boy kidnapped and sexually abused who did not run away when he had a chance. Or was that his wiring?
And we know short term environment can affect behaviors. Crowd mentality. We now measure a major league sports championship by how many died in the 'celebration'. Or is that just Detroit?
The behavior of nazis in WW2 has long been studied for how such a large number of citizens could turn barbaric on others. Was this a case of bad wiring? Or skillfully plied propaganda (nurture)?

I suggest an environment can shape the strongest of intellect. Hell, good advertising can make us buy crap we don't need!! Actually there is nothing "good' about that advertising, but I digress.

So in a criminal case does one ever take into account nurture? I ask does one take it into account, not does one excuse.
Does one punish a thief who steals to feed his family the same as one who steals for greed? Would you steal to feed your family?
Is your view of the world black and white? or shades gray?
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