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Old 08-09-2007, 01:58 AM
sweetnammer sweetnammer is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 13
Default Re: who is this girl

My name is Diana Nguyen.. just to set the record straight... I am full vietnamese and I am from Canada where we live in igloos and have sleighs instead of cars lol
I have been trying to make a living playing poker, as most of us do and Ive been playing cards for quite some time now.
The hand which everyone is referring to where my "friend" T hit his set and I hit my gutshot was not a sneaky shot at him... He knows that .. and I know that because we have been playing together for sometime now and hes from Vancouver as well... BUT I guess everyone has a right to their opinion regardless of what it may be...
As I read some of these comments though I am extremely hurt that some people who dont know me would call me a bitch... I guess they can only make that conclusion because they dont what Im about or who I am...
Sean Sheikhan amoung other players are my friends and offer me advise and guidance as i am new to the higher limit games... but in no way am i being staked by anyone...
On a final note.. I am just trying to make a living in the cut throat world of poker... I cant do that AND make everyone like me...
Diana Nguyen
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