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Old 08-08-2007, 10:55 PM
carlo carlo is offline
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Default Re: I am me, right? What if I wasn\'t completely me? Would I still exist?

Physically, I was once a single sperm and a single egg, right? What if in the race to the egg, the sperm beside the one that created me had won? Would I still be alive today? What is it that makes me who I am? Is this a stupid question? That's the thought that has always confused me about identical twins. They both came from the same egg and sperm, right? So even though they split and became 2 different people, what if they hadn't split? Which one of them would exist? I'm probably going to be roasted for asking such a dumb question. I'm just curiuos about some of your thoughts

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Its an excellent question and I'll try again without the twin. The millions of sperm running after the egg cause conception when one hits the mark. Now if all of the individual spermatazoa were different you can see that the chance of an individual coming to life would be of the measure of 1 in a 1,000,000. If you see yourself as that very sperm this is great luck, quite a lottery. the other alternative is that all the sperms are alike and perforce are going to produce you and only you. If different then there are a lot of lost beings in a reproductive process which appears in effect a hell of a gamble.

Of course the above are the logical conclusions of a materialist but this where the religious, theists, spiritual philosophers who see the soul come in. You, as a spirit soul being, enter into the sperm/egg at conception and this body is that which you use during your lifetime. This is why most thinkers say that you have a soul and are a spiritual being who rides the chariot of the human body through the development of the embryo, birth, life until death when you leave your body and return to that world of soul and spirit in which you have your source.

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