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Old 08-08-2007, 10:27 PM
MDMA MDMA is offline
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Default Re: Official August Thread: General Discussion, butterfingers/etc

Once again "ipokeder" awakes from his dungeon...

You clearly not understand the difference between being GOOD at a game (where the game in question has and always has been designed to be played with CONSIDERABLE stacks, NOT <20 times the bigblind), and thus exploiting peoples WEAKNESSES IN PLAYING UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES; I.E MAKING MISTAKES. You could say you are in effect exploiting your opponents within the spirit of the game, whereas exploiting a technical FLAW of online poker, that is, the incompability of playing against fullstacked and shortstacked opponents at the same table. When that occurs, quite obviously, only the fullstack suffers.

Shortstacking is a valid strategy in current online poker, yes, indeed, and NOWHERE DID I WRITE OTHERWISE. What I did write, however, was that given how shortstacking EXPLOITS A FLAW IN THE GAME DESIGN (since poker was never signed to be played this was), then Imsakidd is no position to think people have no right to dislike him, and saying stuff like "I'm playing the game the way I want to play it" is kind of ridiculous given the example I gave; if everyone shortstacked, nobody would basically beat the rake, whereas if everyone played fullstacked, the better players would make a living like they always have. Thus, suggesting everybody should have a choice in this matter is retarded; shortstackers live out of incompability, shortstacking isn't a "form" of poker; it's an exploit of real poker form, as as such, it fails by design if EVERYONE played shortstacks. Do you now understand the difference?

Shortstacking isn't unethical (ratholing is), but nobody can argue that shortstackratholing is a FLAW OF THE ONLINE POKER WORLD and nothing more. The way Imsakidd writes he seems to think he deserves credit/should be as respected as anyone else since he's just "playing poker the way he wants to", and such things I will not tolerate.

You always come out of your whole ever since that time I said your advice in some BBV-thread where you berated somebody else was incorrect, constantly trying to make me look silly, and frankly, it's getting rather annoying.