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Old 08-08-2007, 04:32 PM
Anacardo Anacardo is offline
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Default Re: Some Stuff About PUA (very long)

If a post ever needed cliff notes, this would be it.

I'm not sure where to take this discussion, but alot of PUA hate seems to stem from the idea that it's all an act to trick women. But the idea isn't to trick women into finding you attractive, it's to actually become attractive. The hard part is learning what "attractive" means and internalizing it so that it becomes a part of you.

Some guys seem to think that they shouldn't need to learn how to become attractive, but there's no real basis for this line of thinking.

It's not about tricks and facades, that's just how it's marketed. It's a lifestyle, a long process, where the goal is to constantly improve yourself in order to better meet whatever female-oriented goals you may have.

[/ QUOTE ]

As pointed out, there is an element of truth to this, that PUA is all about arete/excellence, but that's clearly not the whole story. Besides, what does 'attractive' mean? Humans are attracted to a lot of different and variable things, of course, so what are the universal elements of attractiveness that can be isolated and defined, if any?
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