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Old 08-08-2007, 11:49 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
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Default Re: I see how to datamine Ongame - anyone up for coding this?

I don't really understand how Roland's miner worked (altho it worked quite well), but I thought that it was somehow based on the HTML website that I brought up in my first post.

If that's the case, I don't understand how PR could ban by IP because when I'm actually playing, I check the HTML HH all the time (to see my opponent's hole cards when he calls)...and I'll sometimes check it 100 times or more in a session (i think). How am I able to do *that* without getting blocked? Or did Roland's miner work via some other method?

One more thing I just thought of...I know Roland wrote this miner for *only* PR, but what if he changed it to a different PR skin - there's like 200 of them...perhaps that other skin wouldn't be so fast to catch on (or would it not matter since they're all just drawing from PR's servers)?
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