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Old 08-08-2007, 09:59 AM
En Passant En Passant is offline
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Default Re: Beat: Barry Bonds

My thoughts...

I think there are really two arguments being made to defend Bonds.

1. "I don't know if he took steroids, but even if he did, he still has to make contact with the ball."
This argument is nonsense because steroids will obviously make the ball travel for a longer distance when you do make contact with it.

2. "Bond’s isn't the only player of his generation that took steroids."
This is a much better defense. I wouldn't be surprised if more than 70% of baseball players took illegal substances during the "steroid era." Remember Brady Anderson on the Orioles? Take a look at his career stats if you want a laugh. The list goes on and on.

I've heard a lot of people say that they think Bonds gets all the attention for three reasons:

1. Bond’s comes off as a total a-hole by always putting the blame on someone else

2. Bond’s is the best player and is therefore garnishing the most attention

3. Bond’s is an African American

I disagree with these three reasons. Do they play a part? Of course they do. But I think what gets people the most upset is that he is a suspected cheater who surpassed possibly the greatest record in all of sports; a record that meant a lot more than merely hitting homeruns. Hank Aaron was such a classy man who prevailed during a time where racism was the norm. He tried eliminating the racial divide in the country by hitting homeruns, while it seems that Bond’s tries turning everything into a race issue. That’s what gets me upset.

Lurker said in a previous Bond’s bashing post, “I don't understand why there's so much hate for steroids. it sucks for those athletes, because they're [censored] up their lives later on, but as a fan, steroids provide a better product on the field.” I think this is a pretty ignorant thing to say for a few reasons:

1. It sends the wrong message out to kids who look up to these players as heroes. It makes them think that it’s okay to cheat.

2. I don’t think it does provide a better product on the field. I personally don’t watch a game because one team hits a lot of homeruns. I personally think that the homerun was ruined over this period because so many players hit them.

3. Using steroids is stealing. You are going to be getting a higher salary, more endorsements…. And this is the problem starts. “Well is he is taking steroids, why shouldn’t I?” This creates a giant ripple effect.

I was askign a few friends how the would react if they were at the game when Bond's broke the record. Would they cheer, boo, or stay silent (like Selig, which I think was one of the most akward things I have ever seen). If I was at the game I would stand up and applaud Bond's, becuase he broke the greatest record of all time. However, inside, I will still consider Hank the real cheampion.
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