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Old 08-08-2007, 04:24 AM
timhardawyhatesu timhardawyhatesu is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 160
Default ending my career, Trip report

So here i was... just came off of a huge night, all in all i was up over 30k. And as i was cashing out, the one thing i had always wanted to do was finally at my feet. I told the cashier to hold the money, and i took my chips back.

I was at an underground game in New York. The Sly Dog, only the privelidged know about the game in the basement.

The place is owned by run by some russians, they have ties all the way up to the top. In the back there is one table, on this table is where the lead man plays. Freddy is his name. Buy-in is 30K, three stacks of high society, and i have always wanted to sit down with him. He is regarded as one of the best around, but i have always known i could take him.

So, the game is arranged, and i take a seat, heads up, with freddy.

We have been playing for about 4 hours, i am about about 5k, its just been going back and forth the whole night, its looking good for me, slowly but surely i am wearing on him and picking him off.

Next to his stack is a rack, but not of poker chips, but of chocolate chips.

After another hour or two, we have gotten back to about even when i catch my break.

On the button i am delt A 9, i raise preflop to 2500. He thinks it is a position bet so he calls.

The flop come A 5 9, two spades. Jackpot, i bet it, semi scared of the flush draw. He reluctantly calls.

The turn hits with another nine. I got the made hand. Now wanting him to think i am trying to steal, i bet 10k. The "mad russian" calls.

He is on the flush draw, and is trying to get paid off. The river 4 of spades. He makes his hand, but i already have him beat. He bets.

I say " I dont think that spade helped you freddy, so i bet it all."

As he begins to talk my heart sinks, my stomach churns, and my mouth gapes. I already know before the cards are turned over.

"you are right. the spade did not help me" and he shoves his chips in making the call.

Pocket aces. bad beat of my life. I lost it all, my case money, my tuition, everything.
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