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Old 08-07-2007, 10:59 PM
derosnec derosnec is offline
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Default Re: Professional No-Limit Hold \'em study group

the great derosnec - perpetual resident of 25nl and 50nl - has finished the book.

a terrific book because of the SPR sections. now when i read threads, i often want to respond, "your preflop raise size is wrong."

with that said, i will offer a criticism.

the SPR stuff is repeatedly touted by the authors because it makes postflop play easier. but at our stakes, 99% of our opponents play straightforward. so we don't have to worry much about being put in awkward situations when our SPR is 14 or whatever, because our opponents are generally easy to read - they take the same lines over and over and my db of a few hundred thousand hands confirms that (check-minraise = big hand, donk = crap, open shove when flush hits = flush, double barrel is a real hand, pf reraise is AA-KK/AK sometimes QQ, etc).

so SPR, assuming we understand the various micro lines and assuming we are proficient at equity calculations potsflop (range, potsize, equity), doesn't seem quite as helpful at our stakes as it would be at higher stakes. but that doesn't mean it's not helpful. i anticipate i will be raising different sizes preflop now. raising the same size with SCs as i would with AA just doesn't make sense anymore after reading the book. plus our opponents are not very good, so no need to go for same size pfr size to disguise our hands. plus it's interesting how a little difference in the pfr size makes a big difference in SPR. also interesting was the tables, which show what a crappy stack size 100bbs is for top pair/overpair type of hands, although again i'll say again that most of our opponents don't put pressure us on us postflop without big hands, so playing with 100bbs is not as difficult at our stakes than at higher ones.

anyways, my two cents. very good book.
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