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Old 08-07-2007, 10:05 PM
RivaLiva RivaLiva is offline
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Posts: 536
Default Should I accept this job?

I have a dilemma.
I am currently working as an Intern in a field that I majored in and love. I really like the company and it would be a good foot in the door for other things down the line. The only problem is the team that I am working with has no openings. Only about 11 people on the team.

I interviewed and was offered a job with another team that is something that I could handle and am good at for now, it just isn't what I want to do as my career. The thing is since the skill level required to do the job is less, they are offering about 10-12K less than what I am looking for and could get in the field I am interning in.

The only reason I am thinking about accepting the offer(if I could negotiate about 5 more thousand on it) is because if a spot opens up with the team I want to be in, I would be set for a few years with great experience for future advancement.

The other reason I am thinking about taking the job is because I don't have anything else lined up and my internship is coming to an end in a month or two. If I didn't take the job I would have to move back home to search for one through college career fairs/Online job sites/Company websites.

Should I take less money for now and work for 6 months at a job for less money, hoping for a spot to open up or move home and rely on finding one.

My real interest is in Networking and the job they are offering is Help desk/Desktop Support. I feel very qualified to get an entry level networking job, I just haven't found anything yet.

Will probably cross-post somewhere to get more opinions.
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