Thread: Ribbit's Edits
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Old 08-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Ribbo Ribbo is offline
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Default Re: Ribbit\'s Edits

My problem is you claiming winning 2 coin flips clearly shows you being superior, when in reality the reason you gamble so much when you know you're flipping at BEST is the reason you went bust.
Your propensity to shove flush draws like they are the nuts leads to an overaggressive nature that causes tilt and the later chasing of losses.
A play in a hand is not always considering the bigger picture, which is that of not going BUSTO.
Many factors can cause someone going bust, whether it be because they are bad, they play underbankrolled, they are unlucky, they move up too quickly, they don't sit in the easy games etc.
You're style of play when taken in a vacuum is fine, but to suggest to a lot of omaha players as being a wise choice is just wrong, as you yourself found out.
Unless you're a robot, it will cause tilt and your bankroll found that out.

Oh and, there is just no reason for you to ever shove 678T like that when you have position. You should save your last $66 for the flop for the times it comes 222 and can fold. It's not like I will be folding the flop ever given the range of hands I will normally hold here. The only person who would save money is you by not shoving preflop.
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