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Old 08-07-2007, 03:51 PM
Kmon Kmon is offline
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Default Re: Yes. Finally Busto, next step

I usually pick on tables with half buy ins and no one with really big stacks, usally i look at table vpip and pot size.

I might go back to pokerstars as I would imagine it would be a lot easier then ftp, but your right I do play to high for my br. Varience is a butch, and I need to grind, might have too much gamble in me and hate playing retarded people in the $5-10 buy in cash games along with the $2-5 sngs.

When I play live it's usually 2-5 and there I've done very well, I might do 5-10 next time I go to vegas if i continue my good play at 2/5.

Thanks for the advice and your a hundred percent correct, it just takes swallowing your pride and grinding it out at super low stakes to build a proper br, I need to understand that sacrifice and build on from there.

But one thing is that I feel I have a lot of tools to beat a lot of players and at the uber micros (5-10$) I feel like I have a hand tied behind my back, but again swallow my pride and take away the enjoyment and there you have br management.