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Old 08-07-2007, 03:30 PM
spacemanspiff spacemanspiff is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 37
Default Re: Group trip to foxwoods (how to maximize fun?)

Depending on when you're planning on being there you can try contacting the room about hosting a private tournament for your group. I did this for my brother-in-law's bachelor party and it worked out well. My guess is that they accomodated us because it was a slow time but they were really nice and easy-going about it either way. If you're interested I'd recommend at least contacting the room.

As a caveat though I brought it up a good two months or so before we were going to be there so there was plenty of lead time. I don't know but I assume that having that time also played into their willingness to work with us. The person I worked with was Michael Ward (MWard@MPTN.Org).
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