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Old 08-07-2007, 10:52 AM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Default Re: Reality Check, Permafrost ... you do not know how the world works

I think the idea of a list was Kyl's and we have jumped on board. Remember when Gonzales was questioned, Kyl pitched the idea of 4-5 permanent employees maintaining a blacklist of sites/banks/processors? That is the shape of things being pushed............also I aksed in the wrong thread, but what are the chances of obtaining input about the Regulations using FOIA? Emails from the AG, Kyl, Paulson, et al should be available under it, and if we want to use them later as propaganda it would be useful. I doubt we get them in time to use to block, but no use delaying the process. I just have zero experience of FOIA.
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