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Old 08-07-2007, 09:36 AM
ScottHoward v3.1 ScottHoward v3.1 is offline
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Default Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread

hey all
first off, sorry about last night and not getting my vote in. im sitting there drinking and reading and posting and my wife decides its time to start discussing wedding plans. wedding plans at 10pm on a monday night. then i get the "why are you ignoring me blah blah blah" and "you love that computer more than me" etc. i would have voted clown anyway, so its not that big a deal i guess.

now, clown being village isnt great of course, but i think it clears fish. the only thing out of fishs mouth pretty much all game has been “clowns a wolf”. surely if fish was a wolf, he would realize that eventually clown would get lynched, and at that point he wouldnt have any path forward. fish isnt a moran. if fish played this way as a wolf, he played horribly imo.

re lastchance:
the wolves went from a kill that made no sense, to a setup kill. i guarantee that anybody using that kill as a reason to vote me today is a wolf, especially if its any of the people who have been calling me villager all game. the wolves are running out of time. they don’t have enough kills to kill off everybodys top villagers. apparently they are trying to kill two birds with one stone now. dont fall for it.
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