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Old 08-07-2007, 03:31 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: OOT - be gentle...

I agree with jaydub.

Yeah, LA I'm sure is kinda different from a lot of the U.S. regarding importance of looks. But it's a big city/state and there are lots of gals there. They can't ALL be that stuck-up.

If you had better confidence or pick-up skills or whatever the hell we want to call it then your weight would hardly matter at all.

I'm not trying to brag because I really don't think I'm that much to brag about. But I still think I'm a semi-decent example.

You are 38 and are a bit overweight but you are tall and could also pass for much younger than 38 imo. Being tall counts for a lot BTW.

I'm 36 and am also a little bit overweight. I could pass for 10 years older than what I am because I am simply aging somewhat rapidly which sadly seems to run on my Dad's side of the family.

I'm 5'6" and am balding badly and my eyes always look really tired/baggy. If you haven't noticed, most girls don't say they want to go out of their way to date a short guy and I definitely think that's a more unattractive handicap to many women than being tall but a bit overweight.

You are a tall guy who is like a big teddy-bear for the right chick looking for something like that...which is a lot of them. They freaking love that stuff but you seem to think there's nothing there any gal could possibly be attracted to.

If GF and I were to somehow break-up tomorrow I know I could get back at it and meet a gal or three just by being funny/silly and faking through the semi-confidence thing enough to get by.
And if I can do that then it can't possibly be THAT freaking hard because I'm really not very good looking nor very smart.

I think your insecurities and your self-awareness of your weight or whatever is holding you back.
Seriously, the reason you aren't getting any really doesn't have much at all to do with where you have fat and where you don't.
It's how you are letting all those excuses help you defeat yourself before you've even started.
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