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Old 08-07-2007, 03:29 AM
Superfluous Man Superfluous Man is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default Re: Barcelona/London plans (for those travelling the EPT this fall)

Hello Leo,

PlatinumStar players and above can buy an EPT Barcelona package directly
through us using their W$. This includes the €8,000 buyin and accomodation
at the five star Hotel AB Skipper. At today's exchange rate, the package
comes to a total of W$12,475.

I see that whilst you are not PlatinumStar at the moment, you were
SuperNova in the recent past, so we can waive the VPP requirement in your

I should note that any player who takes advantage of this service is
obliged to wear PokerStars branded clothing during the tournament. The
exact W$ amount may also change day to day, so please let us know when you
wish to buyin and we can tell you the total at the time.

I hope this helps, but if you have further queries, please do not hesitate
to let us know.

Best regards,


[/ QUOTE ]

So yeah...I'll have a room as of the 27th...I'll probably get the two-bed option in case anyone wants to room with me.
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